That world where Nancy Pelosi is with Mitch McConnell, and John McCain is with Paul Wellstone

1 min readMay 19, 2018

The world loves to focus on the gap between Republicans and Democrats.

I love to notice the places where the politics just doesn’t align.

Here are four politicians — Nancy Pelosi, Paul Wellstone, Mitch McConnell and John McCain — on the question whether “the system is corrupt.”

First, Nancy Pelosi on The Daily Show:

The Daily Show, January 30, 2014

Then Mitch McConnell on the floor of the Senate, in the debate leading up to the passage of McCain/Feingold:

October 14, 1999

John McCain answers Mitch McConnell:

October 14, 1999

Mitch McConnell then responds as if he just didn’t understand McCain’s point:

October 14, 1999

McCain, losing his patience a bit, recovers perfectly:

October 14, 1999

Fred Thompson focuses the point, leading McConnell to an interesting slip (thanking donors for allowing them to engage in “vote buying”):

October 14, 1999

And then the great (and late) Paul Wellstone finally putting the argument to bed:

October 14, 1999

So are you with John and Paul? Or Nancy and Mitch?

